They inject this pink foam that
expands and then sort of gets a bit more solid (but stays sort of Nerf
football like).  For a few seconds you're deaf because they do it in both
ears.  About as close as you want to come to being deaf.

yeah that was pretty wild. i didnt like it one bit!

They make the
earpiece from that mold (and a small disc-like filter fits in it) and you
get to walk out with the mold if you need another pair made.

yeah, i was thinking that maybe you could get the mold done as cheaply
as possible in the UK and then send them off to the place in the US
that does them for cheap? there must be some way to cut corners on
that without getting into hundreds of pounds!

it's the best you can get imo.

yeah i love them so much. i even use them in clubs when its not crazy
loud because you can still hear conversation and whatnot easily due to
the flat frequency response.....


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