I'm interested to here others' impressions of the 3 Chairs after-party on Monday. I have only been to two 3 Chairs parties--this and one at the Majestic Theater a couple years back. I unfortunately didn't make it to the after-party at OSLO during the festival a couple years back. Anyway both parties I attended had such terrible sound it was almost unbearable. In fact the sound was so bad at these parties I have come to the conclusion that they are going for a certain low-budget cabaret experience. This year's party definitely fit that mold being BYOB and in the old Serengeti ballroom--a traditional jazz cabaret club. Of course it wouldn't have really mattered if the 3 Chairs had been playing in a basement on someone's blown out home stereo system--I would have been there. Moodymann's set .... Need I say more? It was definitely an intimate evening to be remembered.

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