Indeed Robin.

It's people like you posting stuff about stuff like this which kind of
makes me think it's worth sticking around, but hey maybe it's just me!



-----Original Message-----
From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 June 2007 12:07
To: 313
Subject: Re: (313) 3 Chairs Party

>>  I've been really feeling his Sistrum records.
> that new one is really nice. the new keith worthy record is also
> ridiculously deep stuff, ditto the new mixmode. lovely weekend of
> picking up new detroit house records!

you're right. there's a lot of good new detroit house around at the  

I'm feeling those recent Keith Worthy 12s (there's also Jus Ed,  
Patrice Scott, that awesome theo 3x12 (soul control!), new kdjs (more  
electronic shti please mr. dixon), new omar s.....)

given this is the 313 list why haven't we been discussing this eh? ;)


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