On 5/31/07, Scott Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm interested to here others' impressions of the 3 Chairs after-party
on Monday.  I have only been to two 3 Chairs parties--this and one at
the Majestic Theater a couple years back.  I unfortunately didn't make
it to the after-party at OSLO during the festival a couple years back.

what year was the majestic theatre one? i didnt go to that one, but i
did hit the oslo one, which was completely bananas.

Anyway both parties I attended had such terrible sound it was almost
unbearable.  In fact the sound was so bad at these parties I have come
to the conclusion that they are going for a certain low-budget cabaret

absolutely! BTW, you should always wear earplugs if you want to keep
your hearing.....

This year's party definitely fit that mold being BYOB and
in the old Serengeti ballroom--a traditional jazz cabaret club.

aha, i was wondering what that spot was. that was a really dope
location for a party. nice dancefloor, awesome looking, etc.

course it wouldn't have really mattered if the 3 Chairs had been playing
in a basement on someone's blown out home stereo system--I would have
been there.  Moodymann's set ....  Need I say more?  It was definitely
an intimate evening to be remembered.

yeah, kenny came out swinging! theo and malik were dropping some
really deep soul stuff too, that was nice. omar-s rocked it out before
those guys came on, lots of tracky chicago business. a really nice
party to end the weekend.


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