On 6/1/07, Odeluga, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey but I patently do feel that stuff!

Ahh well, luckily for my bank balance, I can't like everything.

Didn't find it spacious enough to remind of photek, not subliminal
enough to hint of r&s...el-b is a new one on me, I admit...

its definitely a combination of parts of all 3. check these releases
for el-b and similar sounding stuff:



and things on this label:


to be honest, when i first heard burial (long before the CD blew up) i
figured his audience would be really small, basically all the people
who were into old 2-step, old school jungle, and BC style techno dub
stuff. when lots of other people started liking it, i was pretty
befuddled. i would have assumed it would be a cult classic, not a year
end critics top 10.


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