> Happy to report the BMG/Sony release seems to have disappeared from the
> stores here in NY...I've heard tell there was someone buying them all up,
> presumably to burn them.  Whomever he/she is...Thank You!!
> Mark*

Again, if someone is actually doing this, please drag them out in to the
street and beat on them. PURCHASING these records is not the way to tell
Sony/BMG that they have done a horrible deed. Once you have bought these
records, it doesn't matter whether you listen to them, burn them , or
masturbate over the records, YOU HAVE GIVEN SONY YOUR MONEY. I am sure
this is all rumor, but do not encourage this. If you can't figure out why,
I question how you'd be literate enough to get yourself onto an email

It's like giving a homicidal maniac some guns so he/she won't kill people
anymore. jesus..

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