> don't expect me to give a damn what you think.

don´t be searching 4 mistakes for switching it off -

yes. please speak up and say what you don´t agree with,

but do enter the subject and don´t suggest there´s nothing

4 you and others "to give a damn" about it -

then, if you enter this subject, you will make mistakes too -

cauze this shit is heavy and it is complex

the shit is embated and hidden in various corrupt files in us

living in the "master and servant" "up and down" structures on the globe

scann the reality of the structures for this simple top priority view:

the story of the opression of black people on this globe -

man, how long is this happening ?

how much longer should we compromise with theese structures and stay calm ?

Opression of black people in US keeps going on since five centurys


we are living now, today, and the shit is still there

as the structures of the game for the competitions were built long time ago

in the past - the advantage of the "civilized world" (built on war, slavery,

robbery, stealing, raping - colonization) - in the game is obvious -

- playing monopoly with already "owning" all the money streets and hotels -

take a break and try to feel how many souls were and still are controlled,

regulated and dominated by this reality -

- now inside of the structures there are also phenomenans out there

putting dust in our eyes, that do not reflect the reality of the priority

if you are not realizing and even denying this it starts another effect -

you make are playing your role in it - you delete the voices by making

them seem and later go "crazy, emotional and agressive" -

you might have heard of this, as a reaction to "mobbing" ? 4 example

- the many hidden mindtricks the structures implant on us people -

they are hidden inside of us too, even when it´s about this "subculture"

we always are a part of the structures on the globe -

Laura said it: competition -

competition makes us focus the fear on our own buts.

We fear what might happen, if we would have no money to survive

No one really wants to exchange his life with soemebody starving

and this does implant various compromises - walking through life

the compromises implant much hidden shit, because it requires certain

surfaces of identity (stereotypes) to make it to play the game

that always does enter the inner side - if it doesn´t get reflected ..

but when you do play the game, there´s not much time to reflect ...

your mind is getting soaky - MIND CONTROL enters right here ..

the structures of the competition are regulating the chances

of the complete cultures to get realized, understood and paid !

and that´s the REALITY CONTROL -

Most of what I write here was already included in Lauras mail ...

... you wanted to hide away, because of some offensive language,

that wasn´t even adressed to your name in th first place

to hide away from this reality is a part of the game

to shut up or to speak "clever and correct" is the first thing you learn

in school, later in your job, in life to become successfull -

the story of the calculating mind -

again - in a debate like this - mistakes will be made

many mistakes, when you enter this discussion

it´s impossible to go without

XTRA PROPS 4 LAURA AND DIANA`S ENTRY`S - reflections of high quality


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