> actually, you couldn't be further from the truth. you don't know me - you
> don't know where i'm from or who i am. you don't know what I do and you
> certainly don't fucking know what i think.

hold on - 

this wasn´t adressed to you

it was directly connected to this statement:

> don't expect me to give a damn what you think.

but wait - 

I have to say I´m sorry 2 Tom and you in this case as

I didn´t know the heavy meaning of "f"

in germs the word "schwul" for homosexuals is the only used word nowadays

and not nasty or discriminting -

the translation I used - didn´t show up "f" is discriminating -

I did ask some friends about it - and they explained it to me that it

is heavy - 

SORRY - hold on don´t go from the list because of me -

you can call me fucker and tink I´m a fucker though - don´t care -

still I have no respect for the other entry - to show up how nasty the one

discrimination is, to come up with another ...

no one in the world would make me take back my answer on that one

but Tim and Tom - please enter the debate again

it´s good you made this point clear

but the whole debate didn´t start with this mistake

and shouldn´t be stopped


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