I cant believe what bullshit this list is.  dont you fools
 know that the music knows no color?  cant you people
 remember the days when no one knew what color the guy
 putting out the record was and you just listened to it
 for, *gasp* the MUSIC?

This list bickers and bitches about race more than detroit
 techno.  I doubt that Juan would be making racist sounding
 comments.  why would you talk shit about the man when you
 can EASILY contact him and hash things out with him?  dont
 you think he (or you if you were in his position) would
 prefer that?  

you know he reads this and yet you continue to slap him in
 the face with unsubstantiated rumors and other bullshit.
  I dont consider myself a fan or his, but he seems like a
 nice guy and for that matter, who on this list deserves
 the cumulative bullshit you cats are so eager to dish out?

as for DEMF, its free to get in, and free to get out.  I
 suggest if you are displeased with it, either dont go, or
 leave... more room for the people that are there for the
 music, not to say they went to demf all 3 years.

is this where some of you try to guess my color?  I would
 bet you have already, after reading the above.


this is my opinion.  I welcome yours.  


Uh No the DEMF was not a Detroit clique thing and even if
 it was it is called 

you must be a person living outside of the us or in the us
 in a white skin 
and ignorant of history.

UR and Atkins are pioneers of this music and get no respect
 from the business 

why should Elvis or Eminem make more money and get more
 credibility than Ike 
Turner or Redman???

Because in AMerica white people doing Black art is always
 seen as a 

Look at NYSYNC and the list goes on. Look at Black rock
 group Fishbone. Are 
you telling me they are good enough to get paid.

The point is this; the people who run the business are full
 of isms that 
determine who gets the spotlight.

No one is denying anyone their right to listen to what they
 want but don't 
forget the history.

I spoke with a Black rocker in NYC and he told me that many
 A & R men didn't 
know what to do with Black guys playing soulful rock music.

The record executive behind Digable Planets told them they
 were not hard 
translate "black enough" for hip-hop.

So Juan is in the same position......

I don't have time to break this down anymore but Juan is
 not crying he's 
simply commenting on the truth; the music business is run
 by a bunch of 
culturally biased and/or ignorant people who have definite
 ideas about the 
value of the music based on their racist crap.

if anyone does not understand where I'm coming from I will
 make one more post 
I don't have a lot of time to keep repeating this tired

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