Great to hear from you Jayson - been awaiting your reply, all day. Hope your
day is going well.

Whilst the questions are offered light-heartedly (and I hope you also noted,
with studied courtesy) there is a serious intent, from the point of view of
techno lovers on this list.

It's simply nice to hear you say you actually like Detroit techno and for
that matter, techno after your unfavourable comments on the same.

More importantly, it's very heartening to hear you say something courteous
about Juan Atkins after many so many posts punctuated with expletives and
near-virulent abuse of the man.

Juan Atkins is not a God, but he's a man who many here have a great and deep
respect for. To me Juan Atkins is at least analogous to Miles Davis as an
artist, and a human being. He also has a commensurate dollop of downside
too, just like Miles Davis - he aint perfect.

You appear to have little sympathy with the reasoning which Juan and many
others here, have voiced about race and the music industry. Of course again,
you're entitled to such. But your mode of expression is so venomous at times
it more than verges on the insulting.

I seem to remember that you're famous around here too, for your 'stupid
nigger' remark.

You're entitled to think/feel that way of course, but the logic of venting
your views in this particular forum escapes me, and many. Even now however,
I'm prepared to accept that you mean well.

But the only conclusion anyone could come to if you continue in the same
vein from here on, is that your deliberate aim is to insult artists and list
members and as I said elsewhere, anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Ultimately that may not matter a great deal to most of us (although many
will continue to get irrate) but my experience is that these kind of things
always matter to the instigating individual mid-to-long term, in subtle and
sometimes quite direct ways.

This is quite apart from the fact that you are wasting your time and will
eventually be simply ignored. To be ignored is no great shame. Except when
you wish to use the list as a resource that is.

Of course your opinion is very important indeed, but the fact is, that you
have managed to express things in such a way that the net impresson many
have about you and your your views, until now, has been a negative one.

Anyway, do what you like. My greatest pleasure today is simply prompting you
to say something (anything frankly) that's positive!

All the best,


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jayson B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 2:38 PM
>Subject: RE: [313] Regarding Business
>Although i have no clue where you're going with this list of pointless
>questions, i'll still reply.  I hate it when people dismiss my posts as
>nonsense and ignore what i'm saying, so i won't do that to you,
>although its
>still a waste of my time.
>>Do you like Techno?
>Of course.  I adore techno.  Techno moves my soul like nothing else on the
>planet.  I listen to it when i get up in the morning, i listen to
>it on the
>way to work, i listen to it AT work, and i produce it when i'm at
>home.  its
>a 24/7 love affair.
>>Do you like Detroit Techno/Music In general?
>Even more so than techno as its own sub genre.  For some reason, music
>produced in this lovely city takes on its own life like nothing
>else in this
>world.  its a very special feeling, as you should know.
>>Do you like Juan Atkins?
>I think as a producer he is one of the best EVER, regardless of his
>'godfather' type status.  He is an amazing producer and will always be an
>amazing producer.  The boy doesn't have a load of cash and a sponsorship
>from Korg for nothing.
>at the same time, i also don't usually go to shows that he's booked at,
>since all you're paying for is to have the promoter list juan as a no show
>when you walk to the door.  Juan has a HORRIBLE reputation for this, and
>that is simply noone's fault but it own.
>Just because i might disagree with juan or ANYBODY on racial standpoints
>doesn't mean i can't adore their music.  I'm assuming this was where your
>email was going, but who knows considering.
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