I don't know if it's the same Ranx who did the 2001 NYE party with
UR (who I had a brief email correspondence with but didn't actually meet),
but no matter.  It was a poorly organized event with an entrance gate
situation that actually turned into a dangerous crush in a pouring
freezing rainstorm, as Otto and Cornelius can certainly attest.

Inside, it was mostly about a large and aimlessly wandering crowd with
tons of beer bottles underfoot; I never did really get into the smaller
room where KDJ was due to overcrowding, and in the main arena I got
the feeling that most of the people didn't have any idea who was playing
or what it was all about.  No blame for that, but worse, they didn't
care and weren't for the most part paying much attention.

I thought the UR crew played very well (a big nod for DJ Clandestine
especially) and hearing 'Afro-Germanic' live on a really big sound 
system is a highly recommended experience :)  And maybe the biggest
thrill was seeing the Unknown MC on the mike getting, for at least a
few minutes, a good crowd reaction.

But really, overall, the event was a mess and a disappointment.


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