i actually really dig Wireless, and agree that the Drone Sector stuff is 
underated (very much so in fact).

as far as the different opinions on Wireless...
it wouldn't be music if absolutely everyone thought it was remarkable.
Even the best shit has its bad reviews.

Luke:   keep making MUSIC.


> >>Luke Slater's new album Wireless is just the shit. This is an album for 
>  >>both
>  >listening and the dancefloor. It is electro/techno-driven music with 
>  >burried guitar and breakbeats. I would imagine that 313 heads would love
>  >this album. Slater's music has depth and conceptual power in the tradition
>  >of Mills and others.
>  I can't disagree about Slater being an awesome producer,
>  but this latest thing is absolute Crap!
>  Love might also be the worst single from the freek funk album.
>  This shit is for the masses, IMO.
>  The Drone Sector, on the other hand, is a much underrated album.
>  Gritty and straight to the point.-genius
>  Luke, if you're out there, keep it undaground.
>  My $.02
>  respect always,

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