cyborg elpH wrote:

> I hate it when they sell out, but I only wish for one thing:  when they do
> sell out, THEY SHOULD CAHNGE THEIR NAME.  That way, I could buy
> 'Artist X' without being confused with the artist's new sellout shit.

spaeaking of 'Artist X' the album reminds me of something I would hear on
there is a Luke Slater interview on Skinny where he sheds light to his new
"Kind of an electro-rock kind of thing. I didn't see any need to put 4/4
tracks on it."

> Also, if you are an artist and you make (for example) gabber and trance,
> then you should have a trance name and a gabber name that are different.

sometimes you can tell just by reading into the names of tracks.
like with trance records you'll see pretty words like 'flowers', 'beautiful',
'angel' ect... and with gabber its easy, just look for more hostile or
offensive words like 'k***' or 'f***'.


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