They already have this.. Its called max/msp

on 10/24/01 8:55 PM, Mike Taylor at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I guess the one question you are not address is how much control does a
> performer have over their music as an indicator of liveness. I think 4 guys
> with guitars and each one of them randomly naming a genre and a key to play
> before they improvise the music in is a lot more live than say a guy with a
> song-based sequencer pressing play.
> It is not a "paradigm shift," it is common sense. The more random
> chance/spontainious decision making can play a role in your performance the
> more live you are. I think there is something innately more live about a
> jazz trio improvising on a standard than there is in a guy pressing play on
> a DAT, or the sequencer equivalent. It is not rockist predjudice, it is just
> a common sense bench-mark for all musicians. Playback is always less live
> than perfomance, and as electronic musicians dealing with midi and sequenced
> audio we are somewhere between being truly live and being playback,
> depending on the interface a performer chooses to use.
> I have always said that I would rather hear a bunk live act with good songs,
> than somebody playing live who doesnt have songs. And as for delivery, it is
> just a matter of principle. If you are claiming that you are live, and you
> aren't, you are going to be called out.
> The future of this music is not DJ's, it is post-techno perfomance.
> I am going to go as far to say that in 10-15 years techno is finally going
> to become the future jazz that it has been promising for years
> now. The real future of this music is in played, customizable, interactive
> music interfaces. Rather than playing a midi sax, or a keyboard to control
> synths, the future will be controller interfaces that are hardware and
> software customizable that act as both controllers and sequencers. A live
> act will include 2-4 people improvising with non-standard electronic
> instruments jamming with some kind of computer based AI music system.
> Instead of buying new synths every couple years, you are going to program a
> new interface on your control hardware. Instead of playing back pre-recorded
> sound or note information, the music will be written and manipulated on the
> spot.
> Alan Kurzweil(formerly of Kurzweil Music Systems, inventor of the K250) has
> some very interesting insights into the future of music and creativity in
> general. If you are interested in ideas about possible futures in electronic
> music, his last book "The Age Of Spiritual Machines" is an excellent read.
> Sorry for yet another rant.
> Take care,
> Mike
>> From: "M Elliot-Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: RE: [313] fuel to the fire : was "hawtin hawtin everywhere"
>> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:06:38 +0000
>>> That's my point, the reason a lot of electronic music producers do
>>> lives is because people are used to go see live artists, and they >expect
>>> performing skills.
>> People, in general, also expect the 'look' of someone performing (ie.
>> strumming the strings of a guitar, pressing down on the keys of a synth,
>> etc)... it's just a shift in the paradigm that is required. The performers
>> have made it (by using laptops and such), it's time the audiences make it.
>> But they are always going to be slower than the performers in making the
>> switch (or even giving up their expectations of what "live" means).
>> If a performer is using a keyboard to play over some prearranged track are
>> they playing live anymore? If they spin a record in their "live" set are
>> they a DJ or a "live" performer?
>> Do you like the music? Then what the f~ck does it matter how they go about
>> bringing it to you.
>> Change your paradigm and your ass will follow.
>> MEK
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