There's nothing like Burial to divide a group, people seem to absolutely love it or just don' get it at all. Personally I'm with Martin all the way here, give me some Scorn any day, Mick Harris has been doing it since '91.

On 8 Nov 2007, at 11:51, Martin Dust wrote:

On 8 Nov 2007, at 11:24, Odeluga, Ken wrote:

But what about the 'garagey' trimmings of the latest Burial offering
then ...?

Not feeling it at all Ken and it's not getting much play in the studio at all, to my ears, it just sounds really old and a step backwards into a sound that Dubstep was trying to move away from but it seems to have fallen into a trap of it's own making.

I much prefer Scorn over Burial...


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