I think you're being a bit hard on yourself here Kent, Burial is just as popular with dubstep/garage heads here as it is with people who don't follow the scene from what I can tell, as Toby pointed out the album helped Burial cross over.

On 8 Nov 2007, at 15:57, kent williams wrote:

Interesting to watch a discussion like this blow up.  I see everyone's
points in the whole matter.  I think I would react differently if I'd
grown up in the UK and heard more of the good and the bad, and been
exposed to the culture surrounding various genres, I'd hear the music

The context in the US is different.  Unless you spend a lot of time
watching the UK scene, you only hear what bubbles to the top of the
pile. What I find interesting is how many Indie rock types in the US
picked up on Burial.  Probably looks like poor misguided Yanks getting
it wrong again to people in the UK.  OTOH to us, it looks like you
drive on the wrong side of the road and add an extra syllable to
aluminum to sound posh.

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