*sigh*  yes, of course it is - it's advertising fer chrissake

reposting your first mail you sent on the topic:

>The problem for big brands is they don't actually make anything,
>there's no such thing as Adidas - as the modern economy is concept
>based, driven by ideas and transient notions. Therefore it should come
>as no surprise when they try to tie this something real or something
>that would generate an emotional response to their nebulous lifestyle

I recall someone mentioned "like music"....

I read the Buddha's teachings Martin - basically says the same thing but he
had the wisdom to apply it to everything in our material world.
The "product" you create - Dust Science Recordings, really has no more
value than what Adidas creates.  You can't take either of them with you
when you die.
All this record collecting, trainer worship/collecting, making of more
products - is a futile attempt at immortality. Eventually it will all be

So whatever you level at Adidas you can also apply to your own company.


Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/15/2008 03:53:20 AM:

> On 14 Feb 2008, at 18:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Oh, btw - I've been on film shoots
> > I know *exactly* how many people it takes to do this kind of work -
> > craft
> > services included
> > you want me to write up an financial estimate for it?
> Then you'll know it's all fibs. Do a financial if you want but make
> sure we can mark up by 25% and charge back out at 1000% :)
>   I pretty much stand by the first mail I sent.
> m
> PS : If the tune below was a pair of trainers, it would be Reebok
> Classics
> http://www.juno.co.uk/products/300815-01.htm

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