>in light of the history of the event, it's terribly unlikely that the
>lineup will not be worth the $40 3-day cost.

 I disagree. The first few were free and chock full of Detroit. More
D-bang for your (non)bucks. Recently we've seen a decline in Detroit
representation and the price going up. Personally I have no issue with
it, but it does make that statement dead wrong. 

> besides, most people i
>know go regardless of who is on the lineup,

True. And this is what I think most of us will do.

>many go simply to support
>detroit.  that is, after all, what the event is all about, isn't it?

No. the event is about showcasing/celebrating the legacy and current
direction of Detroit techno and the talent and contributions that the
city has/have made musically throughout the years. The financial boon
comes as a result of this celebration. But no, money's not the point
it's a side effect (albeit one which can't be rightfully be ignored).

Bottom line is they have nothing to gain from holding out on the info.
it's a dumb move promotion-wise and it doesn't really make me want to go
anymore than I already do (which is the point of a promoter right?).
given their history of dodgy choices, it can't help to be holding out.
People begin to wonder what you're hiding and why you can't tell us
until we've paid *cough*berlin-mnml-fest*cough*. See? Dumb.


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