> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Dust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 19 March 2008 10:41
> To: 313 List
> Subject: (313) Bloc
> When we got there it very much felt like the "morning after" 
> but from the pictures I've seen people did manage to rave for 
> 3 days. I've never seen so many broken people in one place before :)
> Really enjoyed Scorn and Bitstream before having one too many 
> sambuca's and watching Karl Bartos sing badly.

Yeah it was carnage. Had a brilliant time. Really enjoyed Legowelt,
Convextion, Monolake and the Bleep 43 live sets, although from the moment I
booked up I knew it would be much more about having a stupid weekend with
friends than the music, despite the wicked line-up. But that's what I wanted
and that's what I got. 

Robert Henke was so animated behind his Monodeck II I couldn't believe it.
Properly jacking himself about back there. Also, having him in the middle of
that massive floor was a nice touch. 

Convextion played a few new tracks that sounded really tasty, including a
new Basic Channely thing that was ridiculous. His whole set was dope though.
All the jams. 

I seem to be in the very slim minority of those who enjoyed Bartos. That
vocoder dude with the long hair was simultaneously priceless and impossible
to watch. I actually obscured him from view for part of the set. 

Oh, and to refute Greg's claim about surreality involving Juan Atkins at
European music festivals, I can relay one anecdote. I was walking between
stages with some friends when Juan Atkins was about to go on and someone
asked if we should check him out, to which I replied, "yeah right, like Juan
Atkins is going to show up", only to turn around and see him walking
directly behind me. Nice. 

It's also worth noting how brilliantly this festival is run. Totally
professional work. 


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