On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Joel Gajewski
> Are you messing with me or are you serious?  I would assume that a guy in the 
> music
> producing industry would have seen at least one copy of Sheet One or Musik.  
> Just my
> opinion.  I wasn't listening to dance music when Sheet One came out, but I 
> saw it in the
> stores and thought 'wow, someone used a sheet of blotter as a cd cover."  
> Then, there was
> the whole arrest of the kid that had the cd in his car when he was pulled 
> over in Arizona.
> *shrug

you should never underestimate peoples' ignorance. especially not in
the modern drum and bass or dubstep scenes in which all influences
seem to come from within their own genre, knowledge of music history
seems to be completely lost on them.


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