That's very true - especially if you're looking beyond a niche.  I can't
keep up with all the good music.
Thank god for promos!


Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/24/2008 01:48:02 AM:

> I'm with my friend Mikebee, long time Detroit festival attendee, ace
> DJ, buyer at the world-renowned Amoeba records and possessor
> of serious vinyl.  He was recently profiled in the SF Weekly and says,
> "Every year there's always people out there who'll go, 'Ah, what
> a sh1##ty year for music this was!' I find that impossible to relate
> to. Every year is another great year. There's too much to experience!"
> fh
> ==============
> I really liked reading this.
> American electronic music has gotten into a pretty serious rut in the
> past 7 years.
> Despite this, I have continued to hear phenomenal music.  It appears
> that the successes are not being held by those creators often, and the
> success and cash ends up going to a trendier or more easily swallowed
> form of hipper musics.
> Michael Kuszynski
> New York, NY

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