Hmm, good point JT.

2008/9/29 JT Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:15 AM, JT Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anybody who lives on a budget will take pride in getting something for
>> nothing. That is how it works.
> I should add to this -- digital theft is not a concept that is readily
> understood by the masses yet. I highly doubt many people who torrent
> or fileshare think of it as theft, not in any sort of serious way. The
> goodies are right there for the taking, and nobody seems to notice
> when you've taken the goodies either. There is so much grey area
> morality involved. The idea of consequences from the clicks you make
> while sitting in your home in your underwear and a beer is not a
> reality for most people yet. That is a reason why the RIAA and MPAA
> are using scare tactic lawsuits. But they're late, and it amounts to
> punishing essentially innocent people for their own lateness. It's
> just a total mess, but I imagine that digital theft will be
> increasingly policed, and increasingly more ably policed, and the idea
> of digital theft will be a much more broadly understood crime by the
> mainstream in the not-too-distant future. It's inevitable.

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