a few months ago (in May) GM put Rick Wagoner's salary back up to $2.2
taking him off his self-imposed pay cut

and now he wants a government bail-out?  He'll do perfectly fine with or
without one.
He wants to save his company?  Make him, and all of GMs top executives, pay
for it.

the company is a complete failure because of personal greed


Joel Gajewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/14/2008 10:37:11

> As sad as it is for life in Detroit, the US auto industry has not
> exactly learned any lessons from the 70's/80's when foreign cars
> started picking up in terms of sales.  Plus, they neglect the
> American market in terms of style, performance and most importantly
> quality.  They should have known that their busines plans based on
> large trucks and SUV's in the 1990's would only last for so long.
> I have known far too many people that work in the industry and feel
> that they are owed something and have very little pride in their
> work, which is a huge cause in the lack of quality.  I had two sides
> of my family working for Ford or Chrysler (pre Daimler) and sadly
> this is really what I saw growing up.
> I had two Chyslers and one Ford, none of which made it past 100k.
> Well, the Ford I dumped with 36k because it was already having problems.

> This might not be a popular view, but it is my honest opinion and it
> pains me to say it as I love Detroit and all of my family there.
> It's sad really.
> ----- Original Message ----
> To: Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: list 313 <313@hyperreal.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 9:44:31 AM
> Subject: Re: (313) Business Automotive industry 'If General Motors
> were to lose out, I think Detroit would go under
> "We're not recyclers," he said of his countrymen. "We're consumers of
> products."
> the problem in a nutshell
> Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/14/2008 09:06:49 AM:
> > grim reading:
> >
> >
> > m

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