I just want to ask the question -- do you think the banks that were
bailed out made better business decisions than the Big 3 over the last


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 5:39 PM, theREAL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, but I don't have to. I worked there for 31 years - 28 of it right down
> on the assembly line. I know enough to say with authority that nobody made
> that kind of cash unless he or she worked some hefty overtime hours. On the
> 40 hours that I got most of the time, I pulled in right around 40k a year.
> Anyone who says anything else (and as I retied an International UAW-GM rep,
> I have some knowledge here) about the average guy on the line doing a normal
> work week is full of BS. I've read many an article which inflated our wages,
> our benefits, our time off, and what we made while laid off which spun some
> pretty tall tales.
> I'm not saying it wasn't a good paying job with excellent benefits. I'm
> saying don't believe everything you read about a job most people simply
> would not do (I'm talking the assembly line here). It can be an a$$kickingly
> hard place to work, and the jobs which aren't are few and far between these
> days.
>                            jeff
>> Anyone remeber the article in the Free Press about the janitor at GM
>> making 60 or 70k a year when he retired?

Dan Sicko
Editor, Moodmat

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