That's for the shareholder's and board of directors to decide, and if
it comes to it, the federal government which becomes a stakeholder if
they provide a capital injection in exchange for preferred shares
through the TARP program (which it doesn't look like it will happen).

And if the board of directors and shareholders like whoever is running
it, then I think it's up to them to decide how to mismanage the
company, because it's owned by these stakeholders, not an outraged
populist regime.

Anyways, my $.02 is done here because it's not related to techno.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Matt Kane's Brain
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:50, Michael Kuszynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you don't pay executives they will go run other companies who will.
> Not always a bad thing.
> --
> matt kane's brain
> techno radio at:
> capoeira in boston
> aim -> mkbatwerk ; y! -> mkb218 ; gtalk -> mkb.dirtyorg

Michael Kuszynski
New York, NY

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