> I still hold the view that ON ERROR CALL should not apply to runtime
> as there are no logical ways to recover from them, but would a "feature"
> allows the customisation of the runtime error dialog make sense? one that
> includes such options as "send information (e.g. Info Component log)
> to the developer", etc.

Well, this doesn't happen every day...I read an email post on the list and
change my mind. You're right, I've been looking at the error call mechanism
in the wrong way forever. Yes, there are two kinds of errors:

Open file
It's locked!
Get array element 5
There are only 4 elements!
The first error is manageable, the second...not so much. The second sort of
error does put the program in an uncertain and unpredictable state and the
error must not be ignored. I've quoted you and added a bit of commentary to
this recent feature request thread:

ON ERR CALL method: Intercept all types of errors
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