I think components are great for methods that:

1.  Rely only on local variables.

2.  Are useful everywhere (Generic, Utility etc.)  I call mine Core_

3.  If a component method is causing issues.

 I copy and paste it into the host library fix the issue.

From: 4D_Tech <4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com> on behalf of David Adams via 
4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 6:01 AM
To: 4D iNug Technical
Cc: David Adams
Subject: Components: How do you reuse utility code?

I try out components every couple of versions and inevitably seem to give
up on them. I really like the idea, but am not sold on the implementation.
Since other people seem to be using them very happily, I suspect there are
some concepts or practices that I'm missing.

<rant>It's a complete nightmare that there isn't a clear boundary between
host and component. Some things are distinct (variables), some are shared,
some are sort of shared (method names). What makes this a nightmare is
that *there
is no syntax for distinguishing what you're talking about*. A few 4D
commands take a * parameter to overcome this very problem, but we have
nothing like that. What your code operates on depends on where its located,
You really have to keep a lot in your head to predict, understand, and
control this.</rant>

Anyway, before I sink more time into this, I figured I'd ask for some
advice. Here's the deal, I've got a standard module called ErrorStack where
I can, well, stack errors. That way you can run a bunch of lines of code
without constantly checking for errors - but then go back and check that
they were all okay. Nice for handling inputs, etc. If I bake the code into
a component and copy the code into the host, it's just a total mess. Unless
you duplicate and rename everything, it won't work. If you do duplicate and
rename everything, what a hassle. So I'm imagining that I should have
something like this:


So, Host.4DB and the .4DB/.4DC inside of MessageHub.4dbase would _both_ use
ErrorStack.4dbase. Is that the right idea? So, my source for MessageHub
would _not_ have the ErrorStack module but would have a copy of the

Is that the general idea? Does that even work? Is there a better approach?

I'd like this to work out and I'm open to reworking and partitioning code a
bit to make it happen. But if it's just going to be a long, weird, mess I'd
rather know soon so that I can bail and move onto more dignified pursuits.
I mean, if I want to screw around all day pointlessly I can always try and
get better at configuring Apache...
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