> I'm curious to know in which one of my postings you have found the
following sentence
> "that basic error checking is a weird thing to worry about".

No, not your words - my paraphrase. Since my entire point was about error
trapping and you objected, I didn't know how else to interpret your
opinion. It really wouldn't be hard to agree with me:

"Yes, 4D should trap for bad code coming into a worker and report it in a
way that the developer can manage. 4D should not silently destroy the
worker, lose its context, and restart it without reporting the error."

If you agree, we have no dispute. If you disagree, I guess I don't know
what your position is. If you agree, you (and others) can vote for the
feature request here:


Miyako posted an excellent technical analysis (as he always does!) that may
make it possible to reduce the scope of the error request, at least
internally. I don't care about the details so long as we can catch errors
and prevent 4D from killing the existing worker context, showing error
screens, starting duplicate "unique" workers or any of the rest of it.

On the technical front, this issue is most important with CALL WORKER when
the worker is preemptive. According to the documentation on CALL WORKER:

"...they have been designed mainly for interprocess communication in the
context of preemptive processes...."

Since this is the primary reason the feature was created, it seems entirely
reasonable that it work in a predictable, reliable, and
thoroughly documented manner. Likewise, every effort should be made to help
the developer to use these commands correctly, which includes
systematically and consistently catching and reporting on errors. This is
particularly true since both workers and preemptive mode are new features. I

> I prefer to see the glass half full than half empty,

Absolutely! I am also a glass half-full person. But then again, neither of
us has said what we think the glass is half full *of* ;-)
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