
"Pro looks to be a good upgrade, but I hate the fact that it comes without
a typical word processor user interface built in. I just don’t have time to
create the interface."
I'm glad that tables are in this new version as well as the native ability
to "keep (paragraphs) with next" but it's a complete disappointment that I
don't have a "snap in" UI.

It's a little hard to tell a client that we can upgrade 4D Write but it'll
cost them a few thousand dollars for an interface.

I've already done "keep with next" in native code and the current
tables, clunky as they are, will suffice. I'd rather my clients spend their
money on things that add value.

Douglas von Roeder

On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 3:55 PM, John Baughman via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> I have a similar situation and found the provided widget to be somewhat
> lacking and not very intuitive. I am currently in the process of upgrading
> a couple of database that use 4D Write extensively with as with Don’s case
> very complex forms. What I have done is to add pages to the form that
> duplicate the 4D Write pages but include 4D Write Pro pages. The user has
> the option to use either. Existing documents and templates are converted to
> Pro if Pro is used. In this way I am hoping to move the end users to 4D
> Write Pro gradually.
> Several issues…
> 1. The widget, just does not hack it. If, however, you can get used to
> using the contextual menu you really do not need the widget and all of what
> the widget is missing can be found in the contextual menu.
> 2. R release must be used if you want the ruler. One of my clients is not
> on maintenance and will have to wait for 16.2.
> 3. There is no way to put an image behind text as you could in 4D Write.
> Choices are either in line or on the background (in the corners, mosaic, or
> full page). R3 includes tables. I am hoping that using tables will resolve
> this issue, but have not tried it yet. This is for one particular client
> that has to place images in a column to the right of the body of the
> document. fortunately they are the client on maintenance I have a support
> ticket open with TS regarding this shortcoming.
> 4. Relating to 3 above, converting a 4D Write document with images behind
> text to 4D Write Pro loses the images.
> Pro looks to be a good upgrade, but I hate the fact that it comes without
> a typical word processor user interface built in. I just don’t have time to
> create the interface.
> John
> > On Jul 10, 2017, at 12:05 PM, Don Lapin via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have just started looking at the 4D Write Pro interface.
> >
> > Currently I have an "old" (current) 4D Write area embedded into a fairly
> complex form (25 tabs, lots of fields and listboxes, etc.). The program
> generates complex, multi-page documents procedurally using 4D Write
> commands.
> >
> > When the users work with the current 4D Write interface, it looks like a
> normal word processor, and they know what to do without help. Click into
> some text to see the style sheet. There's adequate room to see the document
> and its margins.
> >
> > The "new" interface consists of a stylized widget on the right side,
> which consumes about one third of the available form space. No menus. The
> ruler is three times as thick as the old one. There don't appear to be open
> and save options.
> >
> > Tech support suggested that if I wanted a more conventional interface, I
> could create it myself.
> >
> > Is anyone aware of a plug-in or component that provides a normal
> interface for 4D Write Pro? Or is 4D Write Pro actually intended for some
> other use than its predecessor?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Don
> >
> >
> >
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