
have a look at <http://dddd.mettre.de/wp/dbz_wrpromenus/>

Ingo Wolf

>I have just started looking at the 4D Write Pro interface. 
>Currently I have an "old" (current) 4D Write area embedded into a fairly 
>complex form (25 tabs, lots of fields and listboxes, etc.). The program 
>generates complex, multi-page documents procedurally using 4D Write commands.
>When the users work with the current 4D Write interface, it looks like a 
>normal word processor, and they know what to do without help. Click into some 
>text to see the style sheet. There's adequate room to see the document and its 
>The "new" interface consists of a stylized widget on the right side, which 
>consumes about one third of the available form space. No menus. The ruler is 
>three times as thick as the old one. There don't appear to be open and save 
>Tech support suggested that if I wanted a more conventional interface, I could 
>create it myself.
>Is anyone aware of a plug-in or component that provides a normal interface for 
>4D Write Pro? Or is 4D Write Pro actually intended for some other use than its 

ViELMAC Ingo Wolf
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