sorry, meant to send this directly to John!

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Alan Tilson <> wrote:

> Hey John,
> How did you end up in Hawaii?
> Alan
> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 10:02 PM, John Baughman via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
>> I am going to chime in here with a recent real world experience.
>> A while back I posted to the NUG a problem that I was having with
>> external data storage using custom mode. When the data was updated and
>> properly saved to the external data folder, the field continued to display
>> the old version of the data until the server or standalone 4D was
>> restarted. This was a show stopper for me upgrading a client to v16.
>> I called tech support and after uploading a sample db demonstrating the
>> problem was told that it was in fact a bug and a bug case was opened for
>> it. This bug existed in 16.1 and R4 beta.
>> I then called Tracy, my sales rep, and asked her to expedite the bug.
>> A couple of weeks ago I received a message from 4D TS saying the bug was
>> fixed in the latest nightly build of 16.1. I confirmed the fix, but noted
>> that it was still broken in R4 beta. TS acknowledged this and said that the
>> fix would not show up in the R releases until R5.
>> 16.2 was released and as expected no bug.
>> Today R4 was released and voila the bug has been fixed.
>> Now in the context of this thread, this appears to be an anomaly? It does
>> say to me that 4D does heavily prioritize the bugs in their bug list. For
>> example, you might have noticed that in 16.2 the issue with the Design
>> Environment not remembering the open windows from the last session has been
>> fixed. Not so in R4. Interesting, yes?
>> For me personally, I am not one to complain. I may be naive, but I trust
>> that the folks working on 4D are doing the best they can. Sure there could
>> be improvements, but I am one to live with what I got and be patient for
>> what is yet to come.
>> I understand the frustrations, but that is my 2 cents worth.
>> John
>> > On Oct 4, 2017, at 7:21 AM, David Adams via 4D_Tech <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> If you have a bug that you really want fixes:  you need to work with
>> Tech
>> > Support.  If you don’t: then it’s just wishful thinking.
>> >
>> > I have done this. It's a bug that 4D should care about *way* more than
>> me.
>> > It crashes the server. Easily Submitted to tech support with a demo
>> > database, etc.
>> >
>> > It is NOT MY FAULT that 4D doesn't fix properly reported bugs. It is NOT
>> > OUR FAULT. It is their fault.
>> >
>> > I'm getting tired of hearing from people that someone bugs aren't being
>> > fixed because we're somehow mysteriously doing it wrong. I also
>> appreciate
>> > that I'm one of the very people that spit out that line over, and over
>> > again down the years on this list.
>> >
>> > Here's a list of positions that I can no longer accept on face value:
>> >
>> > "We aren't documenting that because it might change."
>> > This is silly in the extreme. Every piece of software might change,
>> lots of
>> > them say "This might change in a future version." Even 4D says this
>> clearly
>> > in their docs. So when you hear that line, it's an excuse for something
>> > else - who knows what.
>> >
>> > "It isn't Tech Support's job to report bugs."
>> > Of course it is.
>> >
>> > "You have to <<insert multiple steps here>> to get you bug fixed."
>> > 1. It's not my bug, it's THEIR bug. They're not doing me a favor.
>> > 2. Jumping through the hoops makes no particular impact that I can see.
>> >
>> > "Feature requests should be submitted through the appropriate section of
>> > the forums where there is open voting."
>> > True. Does this get feature requests implemented? Not as far as I can
>> tell.
>> > (Well, I did see one - but it was from Rob and he's got a special
>> > relationship with 4D.) My cynical interpretation is that the feature
>> > request forum exists to stop people complaining about missing features.
>> >
>> > Your mileage may vary.
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>> John Baughman
>> Kailua, Hawaii
>> (808) 262-0328
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