On Oct 18, 2017, at 5:54 PM, Cannon Smith wrote:

> Just an update on this issue. Last week I was able to release a new version 
> of our software to all of our customers and I included some extra logging for 
> this issue. Yesterday we had a customer report the problem. Here’s what I 
> found.
> First, a bit about the process that I’ve seen freeze the most often. It is 
> simply a background process that runs on the server. It checks to see if some 
> work needs to be done and then delays itself for 60 ticks. Then it checks 
> again. When work does need to be done it is spun off in another process, so 
> this process doesn’t do a lot. It hasn’t changed much since implemented in 4D 
> 2004.
> Based on the logging, I can see that the last line of code run was:
>       DELAY PROCESS(Current process;60*1)
> That line of code ran at 8:15:37 AM yesterday. We found out about the problem 
> at 1:01 PM, so it had been hung for several hours.
> Now that I have some logging I’m hoping to see a few more instance to see 
> whether they all point to the same thing. In the mean time, does this line up 
> with what anyone else is seeing?

So you are running this process every 1 second? Here’s a crazy idea:

What if there is some strange timing issue that screws up the 1 second 
interval. Something takes a bit to long on the server and the cooperative 
multiprocessing system get hung up for just a bit longer than normal. So it 
misses the next 1 second interval. 

Could you change the interval to 5 seconds? Give it some “breathing room” to 
make sure it goes deeply asleep before it is awakened again.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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