On Sep 14, 2017, at 2:00 PM, Cannon Smith wrote:

> Hmm, v16.2 eh? There goes our hope that it was fixed in that version.
> Is anyone having this happen regularly enough that they can turn on some 
> logging to see, for example, what the last command that ran was?

Hi Cannon,

I’d called 4D tech support and open a case on this problem. Ask them to do a 
search in the bug database for similar issues. I did this 6-8 months ago with 
an index corruption issue I was having in v14 and they found another reported 
bug that had the same pattern as mine. And it was fixed in v15. 

Then I’d call and speak to Add and get him involved in this. He knows you. And 
you can tell him that others — like Jeff Kain — are experiencing the same 

Once you get past basic 4D tech support and get your case “escalated” many more 
options become available to you. You can get the “debug” version of 4D Server 
and run that. It can help track down bugs like this that are impossible to 
track down with standard 4D Server version even with logging turned on. 
Finally, you can get the attention of 4D engineering and they can add some 
special code to the daily build or debug version to help figure out what is 
going wrong. 

It could be a current v16 daily build version has already fixed the problem. 
You don’t normally run daily build version in production environments, but you 
can if it fixes a critical problem that you need immediately fixed. 

This is a big problem that must get addressed and fixed or it will do harm to 
v16’s reputation. I was planning on upgrading one of my clients to v16 in a few 
months. That is not going to happen now. I can’t afford to have my Stored 
Procedure randomly stop running. So v16 upgrades for me are never going to 
happen until I hear this bug has been fixed. This could spread to others and 
give v16 a very bad name. Nobody wants that. Especially 4D Inc.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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