Hi Miyako,

>I think we need to set reasonable limits on how the commands is expected to be 
>before we device that its performance is "poor".

Sorry, maybe you are right and I shouldn't have called it poor performance, but 
it was my feeling because the command takes 10 times longer to execute than all 
other commands

>is it really reasonable to insert 400 columns in one call?

When customers ask for showing 10 listboxes at once on screen, with each 
listbox having 20 columns I don't know if it is reasonable, but as you probably 
know customer is king.
Even worse, customers want 20 columns per listbox, but than are making 60% 
So, I could do a lot to make things faster. Maybe, at first only create 
listboxes that are visible, and maybe even only create at first columns that 
are visible. But I prefer not to.

>at what point in developer did you notice the "poor performance"?

I must say I don't quite remember, because it has been a while. We first had 
the issue with some forms that were less important, and not so heavily used
But I am sure it began when converting from one 4D version to another
I believe it was when we converted our app from 4D v2004 to 4D v13

>the command name suggests that it is designed to insert a single column.
>so you can imagine that it goes through the same check list for every call.

So this sounds to me that a command LISTBOX INSERT COLUMNS would be a great 
addition, maybe with a width parameter at the same time

>but the speed issue discussed in this thread,
>seem to me like a case where a command has been used in a way for which it was 
>not designed.

We use listboxes a lot and we really like them (We use array listboxes by the 
way, populated by an Oracle DB).
I think 4D invests a lot of time in making listboxes more advanced, and they 
succeed very well.
But I don't agree that inserting 400 columns in a list is something really 
When this command isn't designed for this, maybe they can give me another 
command that IS designed for this.

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