This bit me yesterday installing a new DB at a client site.

The Automatic Row Height checkbox in a List Box’s Property list requires a 4D 
View Pro license to work Client/Server. It doesn’t just not work. It disables 
the list box entirely if you do not have a license.  If you have this box 
checked and run it without a 4D View Pro license, the list box columns will be 
replaced with a grey box and a message that reads “4D View Pro License 

It is also very close to being a bug or at least a very poor implementation of 
a feature. If one does not have a license, automatic row height should just not 
work. Why is the list box completely disabled? 

Where it gets confusing is that with your primary developer license you get a 
4D Server for development. Your expansion license does not include 4D Server. 
So you will not see the problem if you are working on one platform with your 
primary license server in place. If you run the db on the other platform with a 
server download for which you do not have a license...

I have been working with Tech Support to resolve the issue and finally 
pinpointed the issue today and learned that this is documented in the 4D View 
Pro reference…

I suggested, and will probably post a feature request on the forum, that this 
be documented in the documentation for List Boxes as well. I also think that 
the check box should state that a license is required to use… “Automatic row 
height (4D View Pro license required)”. 

Hope this helps someone from looking as stupid as I did yesterday in front of 
my client.


John Baughman
Kailua, Hawaii
(808) 262-0328

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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