4D automatically converts Subtables. This should not be a problem.

> On Oct 17, 2018, at 12:45 PM, Robert ListMail via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> I have an old v11 database running on Windows that’s not particularly 
> well-designed and where there are more than a few subtables to deal with. 
> Assuming that there is no additional budget for writing a new clean app, 
> would you likely upgrade or re-write in v17 with the old v11 structure as 
> guide?  I’m concerned that the upgrade path will be difficult because of the 
> subtables and that by the time you deal with all of the legacy junk not this 
> database from the early 90s you could have created something fresh and new. 
> How might you approach this?
> Also, the client originally said the new database would not have to migrate 
> data forward from the old system and now they are wanting to have the data 
> too.
> Thanks,
> Robert
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