About QS_Toolbox, the one I really know, there is a bunch of tools in the 
Structure Analysis <http://association-qualisoft.eu/qs_toolbox-description/>  
It works from V15 to V17, but nothing has been added since V16R6.
QS_Toolbox performed very few update for you. Its goal is to identify what
you can do, but you keep the control on what you update.

I'm currently thinking to update it for V17 and surely it will take a while
for me due to all things I have in my mind.

About  CodeAnalysis
<http://openroaddevelopment.com/projects_4dComponent_CodeAnalysis.html>  ,
it is the also a very useful tool. I will let Dani to speak more about it.


(Soft1002, Simply Asso & QS_Toolbox)
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