On Nov 21, 2018, at 7:48 PM, John DeSoi <de...@pgedit.com> wrote:

> I'm happy there is a simpler work-around than finding some obscure file to 
> delete. But it would be better if 4D just fixed the issue. If you use 
> multiple monitors and change configurations this is an ongoing issue. Other 
> Mac applications have no problems, but I'm often surprised by how 4D windows 
> end up. I try to remember to quit 4D before unplugging my external monitor 
> because of all the problems.

I agree John. It would be great if a 4D engineer that has multiple monitors and 
also a laptop were assigned the task of updating their code to be more 
defensive about where it opened windows. Checking the window rect to see if it 
will be fully displayed with the current monitor configuration, making sure 
windows don’t appear partially offscreen, etc. I’ve been doing this for years 
in my own “OpenWindow” method and it’s a lot of work, but it can be done. And 
there are complications to make it work well on both macOS and Windows.

But I am now abandoning using my OpenWindow method and I’m now using a new 
method called “OpenFormWindow” that relies on the “save geometry” option so 
that windows remember where the user positioned them and how they configured 
listbox columns, splitters, etc. 

It’s a great 4D feature that you can use by simply checking a checkbox for a 
form and using the “Open form window” command. They just need to add a bit more 
polish to it and then we can enjoy using it without these “edge case” problems. 
I can’t do the work I was doing with my OpenWindow method because now 4D is in 
full control of where to position a new window. I have to trust them that they 
will do a good job. Sometimes they let me down. :(

This secret command key will help my users when this situation occurs. I can 
now tell them to just hold down the shift key before they select a menu item. 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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