Thomas & Chuck
the intent is to create the export file in such a manner that NO user 
intervention is required to open the file with the embedded returns.

changing the end of row marker will work, but then the user(s) need to know 
that -- and they won't or they won't remember etc -- after all they are 

typing Alt-return is not really an option s the data is already exported...
The embedded character is listed as &Char(10)& for line feed, and &Char(13)& 
for carriage return, however, replacing the return (4D) with either or both of 
these strings does NOT result in return or line feed in Excel; just the exact 
characters "&Char(10)&"
A bit of experimentation shows that to get the character code to work requires 
a formal where for example you have

any other ideas??


> Hi Chip,
> The trick with Excel is that it uses a 'soft return' within a cell. 
> To get that soft-return within Excel you type Alt-Return (on Windows) 
> or Control-Option-Return (on MacOS).
> I don't remember what the Character Code is for that character, but 
> that's what you'll need to include in your extract script. I seem to 
> recall that it is a newline. Google should be able to help you.
> Hope this helps, and sorry it doesn't have more details.
> Tom Benedict
> Optum
>> On November 27, 2018 at 2:07 PM Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech 
>> <> wrote:
>> I would like to be able to embed a return and/or line feed into column 
>> in a tab delimited file (opening with Excel).
Hell is other people 
     Jean-Paul Sartre
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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