On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 16:06:39 -0800 (PST), THOMAS BENEDICT wrote:
> I spent many hours sorting this out a few months ago. The file needed 
> to be easily read by Excel (as in your case) plus it needed to be 
> importable into SQL Server. I ended up creating a CSV with CRLF 
> record delimiters. But I also processed the embedded soft returns in 
> a way that escapes me right now. I'll try to look that code up 
> tomorrow, if it still exists.
> Once you have a .csv, it can be double-clicked to open in Excel 
> avoiding the Import Wizard entirely. BTW, the difficulty here is all 
> due to Excel's bizarre and unique way of handling things.
> I'll see whether I can shed any light on this tomorrow.
> Tom
>> On November 27, 2018 at 3:50 PM Chip Scheide 
>> <> wrote:
>> Thomas & Chuck
>> the intent is to create the export file in such a manner that NO 
>> user intervention is required to open the file with the embedded 
>> returns.
>> changing the end of row marker will work, but then the user(s) need 
>> to know that -- and they won't or they won't remember etc -- after 
>> all they are users....
>> typing Alt-return is not really an option s the data is already exported...
>> The embedded character is listed as &Char(10)& for line feed, and 
>> &Char(13)& for carriage return, however, replacing the return (4D) 
>> with either or both of these strings does NOT result in return or 
>> line feed in Excel; just the exact characters "&Char(10)&"
>> A bit of experimentation shows that to get the character code to 
>> work requires a formal where for example you have
>> =A1+&Char(10)&+B3
>> any other ideas??
>> Thanks
>>> Hi Chip,
>>> The trick with Excel is that it uses a 'soft return' within a cell. 
>>> To get that soft-return within Excel you type Alt-Return (on Windows) 
>>> or Control-Option-Return (on MacOS).
>>> I don't remember what the Character Code is for that character, but 
>>> that's what you'll need to include in your extract script. I seem to 
>>> recall that it is a newline. Google should be able to help you.
>>> Hope this helps, and sorry it doesn't have more details.
>>> Tom Benedict
>>> Optum
>>>> On November 27, 2018 at 2:07 PM Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I would like to be able to embed a return and/or line feed into column 
>>>> in a tab delimited file (opening with Excel).
>> ------------
>> Hell is other people 
>>      Jean-Paul Sartre
Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
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