you can export related fields.

the component expects an object array as JSON.
you just use 4D commands to populate that array however way you like.

true, Selection to JSON does not activate automatic relations,
but it is by no means the only way to create an object array.

the component is quite flexible,
rows can have different number of columns, for example.

as you can see in the example,

export is done in 2 steps: create JSON, convert JSON to CSV.
likewise import is done in 2 steps: convert CSV to 2D text array, apply to 
selection based on the 2D array.

2018/11/29 15:19、Chip Scheide 
BTW - my impression on the CSV export is that it would work for a simple one 
table export, but that a complex export (like an invoice) would not really be 
possible using just you component.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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