Hi Jim,

I found it and have been trying to get it to work. So far.

But glad I am in the right area.

Thanks for the help Jim.


> You want to look at the [Icons] section.
> The syntax is something like:
> Name: "shortcut name"; Filename: "path to file or folder"
> Name: "{app}\Run Peregrine"; Filename: {app}\Peregrine\Peregrine.exe"
> {app} is the built in reference "C:\Peregrine_Windows\"
> It is set by the line:
> DefaultDirName={sd}\Peregrine_Windows\
> {sd} is the system disk
>   or a shortcut on the Start menu (where ever that is in Windows 10!)
> Name: "{userstartmenu}\Run Peregrine"; Filename:
> {app}\Peregrine\Peregrine.exe"
> HTH,
> Jim
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