On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 1:07 PM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> Simple example: file systems on Plan 9 are slow. Why is that? How do
>> they work? How would you go about finding out how to make them faster?
> which ones?  there are quite a number to choose from.
> i've found that ken's fs beats the pants off nfs on similar
> hardware with literally one cpu tied behind its back.

Try this - build the source to charon over a 200ms link over 9p. Then
try again over sshfs.

Also, look at a single terminal with a local fossil install. Trace the
path of an 'ls /'. Count the number of copies and context switches.

Having the fastest file server in the world means nothing for file
system performance when your path to it is a maze of twisty passages,
all alike.

-- vs

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