"You can implement a NAT by mounting a /net from a perimeter machine
with a public IP, while connecting to it from an internal network of private
IP addresses, using the Plan 9 protocol 9P in the internal network."

This is from the wikipedia page on Plan 9 OS.

Is something like iptables like in linux needed to be implemented for
Plan 9 ?

Again forgive me if I came out looking like an idiot !

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:21 PM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> I think there are a few issues beyond will it scale - of course with
>> 128k nodes scaling is a baseline prereq for us.  On BG we have a
>> segmented network to deal with -- but it's likely you'll want some
>> form of hierarchy regardless.
>> I have done much with dynamic service registry using DNS in plan 9 -
>> maybe it's easy and just not well documented.
> i'm sure there are.
> could you explan why you're focused on dns?
> a more natural way to use plan 9 would be to use
> ndb and cs directly.  wouldn't it?
> by the way, ndb/cs is already a program that
> replaces a static file.  why couldn't you use
> it to do these interesting lookups?  it already
> has some specialized knowledge of protocols.
> it seems like the place for these things.
> i've probablly just given away my vast ignorance.
> please set me straight.  :-)
> - erik

Vinu Rajashekhar,
5th Year Dual Degree Student,
Deptt of Computer Science & Engg,
IIT Kharagpur,

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