>> I was wondering how you'd network one of those things:
>> http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Wi-Fi_in_Nanonote

I thought that was terribly cute.  The other option is talking
PPP over the USB.  You'd be tethered, but you could at least

> Off-topic-ish, that 320x240 screen is probably the biggest challenge,
> trying to find some usable UI in that space. I think the idea of a
> native Inferno port is great. Anyone doing anything fun on the UI side
> with the Nintendo DS port?

Yeah, that's what I was figuring too.  Even at a 5x7 font, you can't
do better than about a 50x30 character screen.  If all the graphical
elements in wm are shrunk down to somewhere around 10 pixels,
it might just be possible to put a shell window that's almost usable.
Acme in a single column might even work.  Of course, I'd really
like to have more resolution, but this is a start and who knows
what we might see in a second generation.


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