> As I get it, it does not feauture a USB host controller, but acts
> like an USB device that you can connect to your PC. Maybe it
> will work anyhow...
>>>> I was wondering how you'd network one of those things: 
>>>> http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Wi-Fi_in_Nanonote 
>> I thought that was terribly cute. The other option is talking 
>> PPP over the USB. You'd be tethered, but you could at least 
>> talk. 

I think it will.  I've done PPP over USB before, and I'm pretty
sure it was a case of the PC acting as host and the other end
as a device.  But it's been about a year, and I'm having trouble
recalling the details.

But as I'm thinking right now, that would just be an interim
step before hopefully moving to the 802.11 device in the
microSD card.


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