On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Russ Cox wrote:

> Is there anyone out there who knows Cocoa and
> Objective C well enough that this would be very easy?
> I am sure I could figure it out given enough time,
> but enough here is likely quite large.

The Cocoa API is growing (specifically the length of
their method names, which I think is a ploy to force
developers into buying widescreen monitors that can
handle editing windows with Menlo Regular 11pt fonts
using anywhere between 192 and 1024 character line
lengths).  Hopefully many of the pieces that didn't
work in the earlier osx-screen.m will now be easier to

If no one else steps up to the plate in the next
month then I should have some time to bang the rocks
together a little bit.


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