I have updated plan9port to build and run on
OS X Lion.  Everything works except devdraw,
the binary that handles putting windows on the
screen and managing the mouse and keyboard.

Devdraw was written 3 years ago, using the
Carbon framework.  Apple wants to retire
that framework, so they have been slowly
chipping away at its functionality.  It is time to
convert $PLAN9/src/cmd/devdraw/osx-screen-carbon.m
to Cocoa.  There is a previous attempt in osx-screen.m,
but I would not start with that, because it has not kept
up with recent changes (like Multitouch) and bug fixes.
The Carbon source is a better starting point.

Is there anyone out there who knows Cocoa and
Objective C well enough that this would be very easy?
I am sure I could figure it out given enough time,
but enough here is likely quite large.

It would also be nice to convert
$PLAN9/src/cmd/fontsrv/osx.c, but that is
much lower priority, as it appears to build
okay still.


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