On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:33 AM, david jeannot <djeanno...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > It is possible that we just need to tweak the
> > headers to get Carbon to build again, but Cocoa is
> > obviously the right long term plan.
> I have a "working" Cocoa version of Devdraw for
> OS X Lion: I'm using it with Acme to write this email.
> There is just the bare minimum:
>        no menu but 'Quit',
>        no fullscreen but OS X Lion's fullscreen,
>        no "Multitouch" support.
> It answers to the following gesture events though:
>        swipe-left to cut (cmd+x),
>        swipe-right to paste (cmd+v),
>        swipe-up to execute (button 2),
>        swipe-down to execute with arguments (2-1 chord),
>        pinch to toggle fullscreen.
> I will send my code at the end of next week: I
> still need time to clean it and to try to resolve
> some imperfections and inconsistencies.
> Sounds pretty awesome!

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