I was with you till the "very easy" part.  Been following the updates today
and noted that (earlier) the portion of INSTALL that detects the
architecture on Darwin was not working.  Had a patch for that and
regrettably blew it away (accident), then had to turn my attention to
something else.

May try again tomorrow if it persists...

As for the Cocoa bits (mmmm cocoa bits) I might get some time to work that a
bit this weekendif no other takers rise up.


On Tuesday, August 2, 2011, Russ Cox <r...@swtch.com> wrote:
> I have updated plan9port to build and run on
> OS X Lion.  Everything works except devdraw,
> the binary that handles putting windows on the
> screen and managing the mouse and keyboard.
> Devdraw was written 3 years ago, using the
> Carbon framework.  Apple wants to retire
> that framework, so they have been slowly
> chipping away at its functionality.  It is time to
> convert $PLAN9/src/cmd/devdraw/osx-screen-carbon.m
> to Cocoa.  There is a previous attempt in osx-screen.m,
> but I would not start with that, because it has not kept
> up with recent changes (like Multitouch) and bug fixes.
> The Carbon source is a better starting point.
> Is there anyone out there who knows Cocoa and
> Objective C well enough that this would be very easy?
> I am sure I could figure it out given enough time,
> but enough here is likely quite large.
> It would also be nice to convert
> $PLAN9/src/cmd/fontsrv/osx.c, but that is
> much lower priority, as it appears to build
> okay still.
> Thanks.
> Russ

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